Friday 25 December 2009

Manchester Youth Theatre again...

More from 1991. I've only rehearsal shots from a couple of years, but I'm realy pleased to have found the first photo in the group, since it shows Geoff Sykes at the end of auditions. One of the few of either Geoff or Hazel that I have, though I'll continue to look for further examples.

Tuesday 22 December 2009

Snow, snow and more snow....

Went to post a Christmas card today and couldn't resist the woods at the bottom of the road. They're only about five minutes walk from my house but I have never explored them before. Having had a great hour or so, I intend to visit them many times more. Unfortunately I only had my compact with me - but it shows the truth in the old adage of always having a camera with you.

Sunday 13 December 2009

Rochdale Town v Chadderton, First Division Trophy 2009-10

A much better day to shoot early on with a fairly clear sky, but by half time again it was dark. I had to leave then anyway since I'd a reunion with friends from uni, but the shots from the first half are here.

Further photos from this game can be found here

Tuesday 1 December 2009

2 hours on a Manchester Evening

I’ve been a member of the Manchester Flickr group for a long time – unfortunately I’ve had to resign tonight. There’s been an issue about porn being posted to the group – and as a result they’ve decided that all photos need to be approved before being accepted. Now I wouldn’t claim to be the best photographer in the world. I enjoy taking photos and if other like looking at them then that’s great – so I’m not going to claim that my resignation is going to cause any real problems to the group. But there are sometimes issues that you have to stand up and be counted on. Manchester is a city that’s wonderful but it also has a seedy side – and anyone that refuses to accept that just ignores the reality of the world. If you want to represent the real Manchester then you have to show the underbelly as well as the glossy. The choice is an open group or a closed - and that means censored – group. So after several years membership, and with a sorry heart – I’ve had to resign. I just can’t believe in censorship such as this. But this means that the following shots won’t be available on Flickr now, other than on my own page. Pity. A great pity.

Anyway - here's the shots - two hours walking around Manchester on an evening:

First of all a tram passes GMex

Spinnigfields had a travelling fair

Nothing like the Printworks

and the light trails on Chepstow Street