Saturday 11 June 2011


Are here. I'm absolutely knackered now but I think it's been worth it. Also have to say what a friendly group they were - really pleasant to work with.

More photographs from today can be found here
A slideshow from today can be found here

Friday 10 June 2011

IGLFA Manchester Competition, Day 1

The competition is in Manchester at the moment and it's a fantastic solid two days of football, 11-a-side and 6-a-side. Non-stop footy! Great. There's a load of photos so they've been split into two sections.

Part 2 of photos from Day 1 can be found here
A slideshow from part 2 day 1 can be found here

Monday 6 June 2011

More Published Work

More published work. Unfortunately this time the language isn't English so I can't read it, and it's a report on the Champions League Final. The photograph is also an old one taken outside Old Trafford about three years ago, but I suppose it illustrates well.

Follow the link to view

Published work

Non League day 2011

A fantastic idea from 2010 when people were encouraged to get to a non-league game. Think the Premier League will not be happening on this day so footy fans will need to look somewhere else for their fix. Whilst non-league fixtures won't have been published yet, the day can be reserved now! So all those  premier league followers take the chance to see some non-league. Bookmark the date now.