Wednesday 28 April 2010

Rochdale Town v Norton 2009-10

Another evening match and kick off delayed until 8pm so by 8.30 the light was fading. So not too many shots today and as you can see the balls often a blur. In fact I didn't shoot at all after half an hour.

Saturday 24 April 2010

Saturday 17 April 2010

Rochdale Town v AFC Blackpool 2009-10

Fantastic weather gave perfect conditions to shoot in - a really enjoyable days work

Stained Glass

Is one of my favourite things to shoot, so as I was in North Yorkshire and Westmoreland earlier on this week, I took the chance to visit three churches and get some samples.

First of all some detail from Settle Parish Church

Then I went onto the nearby village of Giggleswick where the piece above the altar just cries out to be photographed

and with a day to spare having completed my research I went to Appleby in Westmoreland. First time I've visited and a wonderful little town. Detail from the Parish Church there

Saturday 10 April 2010

Contact Youth Theatre, 1993

Another organisation I occasionally worked for was Contact Youth Theatre. The following are from one of the community productions they did this year.

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Rochdale Town v Daisy Hill 2009-10

The second days shooting. This was a five o'clock kick off so the light was fading by the end, and I'm pleased to say the camera seemed to handle the conditions very well.

Monday 5 April 2010

Chadderton FC v Oldham Borough 2009-10

Not long back from a very long day – one which at the end I am very cold from – but it was worth it. Two games shot today – Chadderton First Team v Oldham Borough and then onto Rochdale. I’ll post the Rochdale shots in the next couple of days when I have time. First game was at Chadderton so here they are. This is the first team.

More photos from this game can be found here

A slideshow from this game can be found here

Saturday 3 April 2010

Chadderton FC v Cheadle Town 2009-10

Chadderton Reserves v Cheadle Town Reserves. First time I've shot here and it was a really pleasant surprise - nice little ground and everyone was very friendly. Also a chance to try the new camera body out on some footy

More photos from this game can be found here
A slideshow from this game can be found here

Friday 2 April 2010

John Rylands Library

The maginficent library on Deansgate of the University of Manchester. Built in memory of John Rylands, the Manchester merchant, I've wanted to photograph in here for years. Since I bought a new camera body, I thought this was the perfect place to try it out. And I love it - the library and the camera!