Saturday 10 October 2009

Angel Meadow Excavation

Angel Meadow is an amazing part of Manchester where our forefathers lived cheek by jowl with the factories and industry of the city. Within a small area there were Ragged Schools, paupers burial ground, industry and the juvenile reformatory. Recently there have been excavations prior to the Co-op building their new headquarters, and today was the open day. So I trolled along and was really pleased with what I came across. 'twas great!

The photo below shows a general view of the housing - most of it was originally fine artizans houses that were latterly sub divided so increasing the density of population.

Below are the end of cloth rolls that were stored and/or worked in these yards

The division of the houses resulted in larger population numbers and significantly increased the profits for the landlords - shown clearly by the single brick course in the photo below. These single back to back houses led to explosions of vermin and awful living conditions.

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